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Category: Biosynthesis of teichoic acid
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Category: Biosynthesis of teichoic acid


1. Cellular processes

1.1. Cell envelope and cell division

1.1.1. Cell wall synthesis Biosynthesis of teichoic acid

dltAbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
dltBbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
dltCbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
dltDbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
dltEbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
ggaAbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
ggaBbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
gtaBbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
gtcAbiosynthesis of teichoic acids
mnaAbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
pgcAinterconversion of glucose 6-phosphate and alpha-glucose 1-phosphate
tagAbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
tagBbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
tagCbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
tagDbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
tagEbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
tagFbiosynthesis of teichoic acid
tagG[category|SW|Biosynthesis of teichoic acid]
tagH[category|SW|Biosynthesis of teichoic acid]
tagObiosynthesis of teichoic acid